“Your attitude will determine your future…”. It sounds simple, but it is harder to actually do, especially for sales people. Developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude requires determining and controlling your thoughts.
“Your attitude will determine your future…”
It sounds simple, but it is harder to actually do, especially for sales people. Developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude requires determining and controlling your thoughts. There is so much negativity and doom and gloom being discussed it is easy to tune in to that type of thinking. With the downturn in the economy, people losing jobs and money, politicians squabbling and selling their policies, sometimes it is tricky to turn your thinking to a position that is helpful to you rather than destructive.
Here are seven essential steps to a positive attitude.
1) Become solution focused
To change from a negative attitude take a 180 degree spin and start focusing your thoughts on solutions. The longer you think about the problem the longer it will be before you discover your solutions.
You can only think one thought at a time, so it’s important for your success that you make a choice and make it a positive one. So rather than dwelling on the problem of not enough leads coming in, focus on the solution of which networking event you will attend next week.
2) Mind control
Over the centuries thousands of positive quotes and poems have been written on some aspect of positive thinking. Whether it’s Lord Byron about love or Shakespeare with words of wisdom like Make the World Your Oyster…people have been using different forms of mind control.
If your thoughts are negative one of the keys to controlling your mind is to simply read a positive quote, affirmation or book or talk to positive people to stop yourself thinking negatively.
A key attribute of many sales people is that they are right brained: creative, colourful, talkative and enjoy being with people. Visual aids are more appealing so use visual aids. To motivate yourself use a picture of your dream sports car or holiday or write down your target, number of calls, follow-ups or phone calls and tick them off your list so you can see and feel what you are achieving.
3) Get out of your rut
My logo is based on the @ sign you see on any keyboard and I see a similarity between this and life. You can stay AT one place in your life, never learning new skills and going around and around in one place repeating the same mistakes, ‘stuck’ in a rut. Or you learn new skills, read books like How I raised myself from failure to success in selling and then move forwards and upwards in your life and
When you learn one skill, you integrate that skill into your daily life. You remain at that point in your life for as long as you choose. You either get stuck again or progress forward as you learn another new skill. By learning the next skill needed for your success, you master another challenge and move onwards and upwards in your life again.
With each challenge you overcome, you achieve success and gain momentum in your quest to be who you want to be – the master of your life! Overcome the fear of your rut by trying something new or in a different way or discuss with other people what has worked for them. There are lots of sales courses, books and other successful people to share ideas about your sales pitch that can help you.
4) Create your desire
If you are achieving your level of personal success and are happy with your present salary, commission, partner, lifestyle or financial situation, you have no urge to lift yourself to your next level of triumphs. However, if you would like to improve any of the above or rate your happiness level below five out of ten, you have a valid reason to have a positive attitude and create more victories in your life. Discover some values-aligned goals and find your urge. Carry your affirmation or goal with you at work about your number of calls or sales. If your desired result misfires quickly change your mindset back to positive. Embrace the words ‘next one please’ or reread your goal on your mobile or blackberry or the old fashioned way, on a piece of paper in your wallet. Display it in your car.
5) Educate yourself
Two famous quotes from Albert Einstein: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” AND “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Your past has created who you are today. It has been based on the decisions that you have made and for most people, some have been good and some not so good. You learn more from the not so right choices as you create stepping stones to your future. The key now to your future success is to release your past and move onto your future, and that means taking your personal development level up the next notch.
As Stephen Covey says – “Sharpen your saw”. While driving in your car, educate yourself from the hundreds of educational CD programes that are available. Your work may even invest in them for your workplace library.
Ready to take your mental game to the next level
6) Soul, mind, body aligned
Your goal in life is to create yourself. Not an unhappy you but a happy, fulfilled successful person doing what you want in your life. There are three steps to your success.
Decide what makes your soul happy which means
a) Analyzing your feelings. Discover your passions and include them in your values-aligned goals.
b) Use your mind and thoughts to create your values-aligned goals. This is your mind control.
c) Take action by following what your soul (feelings) and mind (thoughts) have determined (activity). When your soul, mind and body are aligned, you will stop living life like a three-legged stool with every leg out of alignment.
Embrace your soul, mind and body at work by ensuring you feel good. This is an important trait for the sales people and starts on the inner by becoming confident and believing in your ability to make sales. Additionally, it shows in your outer in your clothing and personal grooming. Always present yourself well with good posture and looking good. You will feel better!
7) Just DO IT!
All this is possible, and all you have to do is choose. Nelson Mandela once said, “Your playing small does not serve the world.” What does that mean? It means don’t live to be unhappy and below your potential. You are destined to live a great life!
We all know those people who are positive and optimistic and who can laugh and view the glass half full and not half empty. They are determined to succeed and generally do.
If you’re having a challenging time, think of the most positive person you know, pick up the phone now and invite them for coffee. You can also tell them you want to hear how they got successful because twenty years ago, they were probably where you are now. Your goal in life is to create yourself and your presence to the great heights you want.
People will help you on your journey and prompt you to success. But first, it starts with you believing you are worthy of your own success and keeping a positive mental attitude on your journey.
Truly, The world is waiting for your best. Don’t delay any longer!
Ready to take your mental game to the next level